Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wrestlers Grapple with Webster and WIN!!

It was my first wrestling match in almost 2 years, and I can't understand why it's been so long between matches. . . Wrestling is almost like cross country in a way;  not a ton of people go to watch, but those who do realize they have seen something special.  (And I hope they tell their friends to come watch!)  I was watching several early matches and thought to myself, "Hey, that's just what every day is like for me!"  You struggle, and run into obstacles and you can either quit or keep fighting.  These kids certainly chose the latter option, and kept battling even when things weren't going their way.  The Pioneers came out on top on the scoreboard, but it was hard to see any losers.

They'll go back to practice tomorrow and use tonight's match as a learning experience and continue to put in the mind-numbing hours of work it takes to reach their goals.  Thanks for the inspiration, fellas!  Keep Working!!


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